EA Industry Transformation

AEA(S) embarked on an industry transformation initiative to implement professionalism for the EAs, change their business model to one that is service delivery focused and reposition Singapore to get more and better MDWs. This transformation is necessary as the industry faces many challenges from rapid changes in the regulatory environment by MOM and MDWs source countries, and increasing competitive demand for MDWs from the region and Middle East. The forecast for Singapore is also more MDWs from 200,000 to 300,000 by 2030. The EA industry that has evolved for more than 30 years now needs to change fundamentally so that the EAs can deal with the challenges and level up to serve their customers better.

The industry transformation has to make use IT for higher productivity and to empower the EAs. The EA365 that was conceived for the previous accreditation scheme has been improved to assist EAs to comply with MOM licensing requirements. AEA(S) will conduct a new Professionalism Course to train EA personnel from Feb 2014. All these initiatives are supported by generous government grant schemes from IDA and IRAS.

The successful transformation of the industry will give enormous benefits. With professionalism and better customer service to Employers and MDWs, we can attract more and better MDWs to Singapore.

Ultimately, the industry transformation should increase EA revenue, reduce their business costs thereby increasing their bottom line. A healthy industry will serve its customers better and minimize customer complaints and MDWs grievances.

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EA Go Digital

AEA(S) EA Go Digital Solutions, EA 365 is an enhanced administration platform that will leave EA staff lots of free time to serve their clients better

For Employment Agencies. Save cost and time and be compliant. EA365 is all you need for efficient and reliable backend processing.

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Website: https://intranet.sg/


The course content is specifically designed to align with the latest Industry Practices, MOM Compliance, Audit and Practical Case Study. The course structure and content has been reviewed and updated to address the current landscape of the EA industry.

AEA(S) will conduct an EAPD course to assist EAs in

1. Business process and mandatory forms
2. Outreach marketing strategies
3. Sales and operational productivity improvement
4. Record-keeping in compliance with MOM licensing requirements

Module 1            Introduction to EA Business Process & Mandatory Form

Module 2            AEA(S) Service Agreement/ Packages and Services and Fee Schedule

Module 3            Bio Data, Job Offer, Job Matching, AEA(S) MDW Employment Contract

Module 4            EA Check List and MOM Compliance  

Cost Fees:           S$1000 (Special Member Price) S$1200 (Staff of Member Agency) S1500 (Non-Member/Public)

All Cost Fees are subjected to GST.


*NTUC UTAP Funding Available:

If you are NTUC member you need to inform us upon registration to apply for a discount of $250/$500 by using NTUC UTAP (subject to approval, upon completion of all modules). 

To sign up as an NTUC member, simply click here for "NTUC Membership Signup"

For more information about NTUC UTAP, kindly email to: wendy_leong@ntuc.org.sg 

Important Note:

All payment must be received in full with the reply slip via Cheque or Bank Transfer to Association of Employment Agencies (Singapore), Maybank, Current Account No: 04171079962. Please indicate your EA name in payment remarks. No refund or replacement will be facilitated for absence or cancellation of classes. 

You may call us at 6836 2618 (Mon-Fri: 10am to 4pm) or email to feedback.aeas@gmail.com for more information. 

EAPD course is a complete guide for Employment Agencies to run your business efficiently and effectively. Simply click "EAPD Course Sign Up" button below to register now!