What is Mediation?
AEA(S) has facilitated Dispute Resolution Mechanism (DRM) for Employers and Employment Agency since 2003. AEA(S) DRM is dependable, trustworthy, and impartial.
Processes have been developed and tested for the past 20 years to achieve constructive outcome and professional experience for all.
Since 2019, AEA(S) has partner IIM to conduct mediation for matters raised to AEA(S) to further enhance impartiality and expert services. Mediation is a process wherein the parties meet with a mutually selected impartial and neutral person who assists them in the negotiation of their differences.
We deliver efficient and reliable services for an expedited and amiable resolution between parties. Schedule a mediation session within 2 weeks upon request submitted in writing and upon receipt of full information.
Our Mediation Partner: International Institute of Mediators (Singapore)
The Mediator:
The Mediator is the facilitator towards reaching a settlement. The Mediator will encourage both parties to communicate directly to enable them to clarify their positions and try to gain an understanding of the other parties' view or position.
A mediator does not resolve the complaint or impose a decision on the parties. The Mediator attempts to get the parties to agree on a mutually acceptable solution.
Mediation is confidential and will not be revealed to anyone not connected to the case.
Preparation for Mediation:
1. Ensure the facts are clear.
2. Make representations brief. There is only an hour for the session.
3. Prepare to make some concessions in order to resolve the dispute.
4. Should an agreement be reached, please fulfill your obligations as soon as possible.
Conduct during mediation: Both parties to abide accordingly:
1. Be punctual.
2. No verbal abuse by both parties. The Mediator has the right to cease the mediation when this happens.
3. Have an open mind. Do not be hard nosed but listen to the arguments and accept any compromise where possible.
4. Both parties will abide by any agreement reached and sign an acknowledgement to this effect.
5. Both parties will keep within the one hour set aside for the session.
6. There will be no liability borne by AEA(S) and/or the mediator towards the disputing parties, howsoever caused.
7. No legal representation will be made on behalf of either party for the mediation.
More on Complain Procedures and Forms.