Why Engage An Agency?
Finding a suitable MDW to match your needs is the most important decision. Once the MDW has been selected, the EA processes the MDW into Singapore to work. Engaging an EA saves you time and money, and the inconvenience of running around to get this done. In the event that the MDW is not suitable, most EAs will provide a replacement for free or at a fee.
There are about 600 active licensed MDW EAs in Singapore. You have to be aware that occasionally there are unlicensed persons offering their services as consultants. MOM deals with such unlicensed EAs severely. If you deal with them, you will not have any recourse for bad services rendered. From the source countries, this is also considered as an act of human trafficking.
For list of EAs, please refer to:
AEA(S) EA Members
MOM EA Directory
When engaging the services of the EA, you should check his credentials for any licence revocation or whether it is under surveillance. If you use the services of an individual without going to his office, you should also verify his licence and registration with MOM.
Our Members Commitment to Excellence
Your EA should assist you by providing the following:
1. Specify job scope with clarity and accuracy
2. Match your requirements with a potential MDW with relevant experience/skillsets/personal profile
3. A printed copy of potential MDW's local history of employment from MOM
4. Allow you to interview and check accuracy of MDW biodata before confirming the MDW for work visa application
5. Brief you on MOM rules/regulations (e.g. rest day and salary in lieu)
6. Brief you on your responsibility as an Employer
7. Explain the main Terms and Conditions of your Service Agreement with the Employment Agency: especially on refund, details of various fees and replacement MDW terms and conditions.
When you have confirmed your selected MDW for work visa application, your EA should furnish you with the following documents:
1. Application Form
2. Standard MOM Biodata Form*
3. Local Employment History Form printed from MOM*
4. Standard Service Agreement*
5. Services and Fees Schedule*
6. Salary and Placement Fee Repayment Schedule
7. Job Offer
8. Employment Contract (Only Filipino and Indonesian MDW applications)
9. Standard MOM Authorisation Form for application for in-principle approval (IPA)
10. Safety Agreement*
11. Rest Day Agreement*
12 .Receipts and Records of all payments and refunds to you and the MDW* according to MOM requirement
* MOM mandatory forms and records. The EA is required by law to comply.